David Fegan tries SLACKLINE for the first time in Rosario, Argentina.
Reminder in Rosario, Argentina: It’s the People, Not the Place
David Fegan discovers the importance of experiencing a place through the people who live there.
The Yerba Mate Experience: Understanding Argentina’s National Habit
David Fegan shares yerba mate with Buenos Aires locals and asks what their ‘national infusion’ means to them.
Why You Should Always Ride the Elevator to the Top Once
Even in the most apparently mundane settings you never know what you may find . . . if you keep exploring.
Why You Should Learn Salsa In Buenos Aires Or Die Trying
David Fegan braves the salsa halls of Buenos Aires.
The Struggles and Triumphs of Learning Spanish in Buenos Aires
Save yourself some frustration next time you travel by learning from this experience.
Buying a Motorcycle Abroad and Crossing Borders Tips
The following question is for VJT’s motorcycle travel correspondent, Bob L, and comes from a couple of readers who are planning a motorcycle trip in South America. Bob, My friend and I just graduated college and are planning a 4 month motorcycle trip to South America. We have some limited experience on motorcycles and have [...]
El Dia Ultimo
Salta, ArgentinaI woke up, shook off the previous night and hit the streets at the respectable hour of 1:00 pm. My mission for the day was to shamelessly enjoy the best of what northeastern Argentina has to provide food-wise. After three months today was my final day in Argentina so what better way to make [...]
Living It Up In Salta
Salta, ArgentinaThere was a South African, a Scotsman, and two Irishmen sitting in a room…This sounds like the beginning of a bad joke but it was actually the beginning of my Sunday night that turned into one of those unforgettable nights on the town. Needless to say getting up on Monday morning was a bit [...]