No Good Feeling HereI caught a bus into San Jose today because I was on my to Panama. I arrived in the city and began looking for the Tica Bus station. I had a folded square of paper in my hand that had Torre Mercedes written upon it. The Tica Bus station was two blocks [...]
Costa Rica
Speak Badly About the USA
Speak Badly About The USAI am in Latin America. Many of the people here blame the USA for the perceived state of decay that their countries are in. To a large extent, they are correct. In what seems like an attempt to even up the ante, many people try to force me into conversations in [...]
Thinking of Panama
Thinking of PanamaI have three weeks before I begin the archaeology project at Copan in Honduras. The ebb and flow of my relationship with Mira is becoming a little strained. I am a little worn out of Costa Rica. She has commitments here. I don’t. Every morning is beginning with a scold, every night a [...]
Like a Rolling Stone
Like a Rolling StoneLike a rolling stone the Vagabond Journey site has taken off down a long, steep hill. I have the site’s skeleton, its basic structure up now-take a look. I think I like it. Well, for now. Andy is right, websites are very much like traveling: you start moving in one direction just [...]
Fired from Archaeology Job
Fired from Archaeology JobI just got fired from my archaeology job in Nicaragua. I suspect that the grad student who I was to be working really does not have anything going on. This is my suspicion. Oh well. Mira received this email letting us know that our “help is appreciated but not needed.” —————————————————–The email:Hey [...]
Trouble at the Boarding House
Trouble at the Boarding HouseI took a room in a Costa Rican boarding house that I can stay at whenever I am in Barva. I pay $6 a day for a bed and two huge, delicious Costa Rican meals cooked by a good ol Tica Momma. I am also not charged for the days when [...]
Going to Nicaragua
Going to NicaraguaI am standing on the verge of leaving another country. I am happy. I am very ready to leave Costa Rica. The Nicaraguans are dangerous I was told so many times here that I figure I may as well go to Nicaragua.I also have work there. I really like having projects to do [...]
Dreaming of Cameroon
Dreaming of CameroonI have always had a deep interest in Cameroon. I don’t know why. I know nothing about Cameroon. I think I just like the sound of it: Cam-e-roon. It sounds wild to me. When I was a kid, Erik the Pilot and I would play a Nintendo World Cup soccer game where you [...]
Manuel Antonio Costa Rica- Stay Away
Stay Away from Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica Introduction Manuel Antonio is a tourist trap- Stay Away! Plenty of nice, local, and cheap beaches in Costa Rica. There is nothing special about Manuel Antonio other than the seas of white women in bikinis. Tourist everywhere and people trying to sell you things that I do not [...]
To the Beach in Costa Rica
To the Beach in Costa RicaI was told how wonderful the beaches are in Costa Rica. I am not a beach person. I love walking coastlines, but my idea of a good coast has jagged rocks, cold wind, and cloudy, deep purple skies. Patagonia is my idea environment. I am a northern boy, I am [...]