How to Cross the Border Between Costa Rica and Panama Introduction Crossing the border between Panama and Costa Rica is generally straight forward, although there are a few minor hitches that I would like to write the aspiring vagabond about. Border Crossing from Costa Rica to Panama This tip is for the border crossing between [...]
Costa Rica
Bartering in Costa Rica
Bartering in Costa Rica Introduction People tend to not haggle in Costa Rica. Prices are as stated. When it comes to vagabonding in this country this is a slight obstacle. Bartering in Costa Rica I was told that bartering is not part of the cultural construction of Costa Ricans when I first arrived, but I [...]
Tica Bus to Panama City
Tica Bus to Panama CityRode the Tica Bus from San Jose, Costa Rica to Panama City yesterday. Good ride. Comfortable bus service. I wrote Travel Tip #6- Avoid International Bus and Train Services earlier to warn against the economic disadvantage of taking international bus services, but I found that these quick, direct buses in Central [...]
On Adventure and Canals
On Adventure and CanalsI am going to Panama for real. I have bulked at my direction a couple of times now, but I am sure that I going south. Or so I assume. I never really know where I will end up. But I should be going into San Jose tomorrow to pick up the [...]
Boots or Hearts
Boots or HeartsBoots or Hearts- this is what Erik the Pilot told me. I sometimes loath writing about the lull points in travel when the romance of the Open Road begins to run around to the lee side of the island; when I find myself hitting the occasional wall and looking around in an attempt [...]
Walking on up the Mountain
Walking on up the MountainI woke up on Sunday morning with the feeling that I needed to move. I still did not want to go to Panama City. I did not want to go to any city. I am a nature boy. I grew up in the sticks of back country USA. I get weird [...]
Costa Rica Walking
Costa Rica WalkingI think to be a good travel photographer you have to be conspicuous, uncouth, and obvious. How else are you going to get people to look at you?The police are just criminals with guns who have no fear of the police. I must wonder about where anthropologists get off at being so pretentious. [...]
I Win and 300 Song of the Open Road Posts
I win and 300 Song of the Open Road PostsI win: So a friend of mine was searching the internet because she wanted to travel to Monte de la Cruz in Costa Rica and she came upon a webpage that gave her directions on how to get there. She went through the page and took [...]
Rest and Relaxation in Costa Rica
Rest and Relaxation in Costa RicaI put off going to Panama for a couple of days. I need to figure out what is going on with the archaeology project at Copan in Honduras before I go running off. I also need to finish writing an article. So I found a smile and am just sitting [...]
How to get to Uvita Beach Costa Rica
How to get to Uvita, Costa Rica and Sleep on the Beach for Free Introduction The Costa Rican beach of Uvita is a good place to go for a hike by the Pacific Ocean and to relax a day away. Uvita is approximately three hours by bus south of Manuel Antonio and an hour and [...]