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Jet Blue Good Airline

Jet Blue: Good Airline Jet Blue, a budget airline with flights around the USA and Caribbean, is by far my favorite company to fly with. They treat me like a human, their flights get me where I want to go, and, as I have just found out, they take the initiative to compensate passengers for [...]

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Jet Blue: Good Airline

Jet Blue, a budget airline with flights around the USA and Caribbean, is by far my favorite company to fly with. They treat me like a human, their flights get me where I want to go, and, as I have just found out, they take the initiative to compensate passengers for their screw ups.

I was to board a Jet Blue flight from JFK to Portland, Maine last Tuesday night at 10:20 PM. Boarding was delayed – this is very normal for a US airline and I thought nothing of it. I sat around the airport for an hour and then got on the plane. There was then a mechanical problem and I sat in my seat inside of the airplane for another 40 minutes – again, this is normal and I did not think much of it.

Eventually, the plane departed and the pilot boasted that he was going to try to cut an hour and a half flight down to 50 minutes. He flew fast – “I am going to fly this thing like I stole it” – and successfully cut the flight time by a half hour.

I got off the plane and went on my way.

The next day there was an email from Jet Blue apologizing for the delay and a $25 voucher for my next flight. I did not expect this. Good business.

I realized then that I could probably call the airline and complain further and have that $25 boosted up to a free flight, but I did not feel like it. I like Jet Blue.

In the end, I suppose giving out $25 vouchers is going to make Jet Blue more money in the end. Half the people who received this compensation probably will not ever cash it, and the other half will probably purchase flights that cost way over the benefit of the voucher. Giving out a measly $25 keeps people flying Jet Blue. I know this, the airline knows this.

I appreciate it when companies show enough intelligence to continue perpetuating their own business.

Going to purchase another Jet Blue Flight right now.

Jetblue airplane

Flying Jet Blue is also an enjoyable experience. The airline’s clientele seem to be mostly working and middle class Americans, and the service is adapted to fit this demographic. The staff is less formal, oftentimes joking with passengers, smiles real smiles, and gives out as many snacks as you can eat.

I eat a lot of snacks.


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Filed under: Air Travel, USA

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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  • Anonymous August 8, 2009, 8:21 am

    Is Jet Blue going to have service from Bangor, Maine to Orlando, Fl at low rates? When?

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