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Investing in Apple: 7 Key Reasons Why You Should Buy Apple Products

There’s more to Apple products than just the Apple experience. Keep reading for investing in Apple: 7 key reasons why you should buy Apple products.


It’s only been about 12 years since Apple released the first iPhone. But since that time, it’s safe to say that the iPhone has taken over.

At the moment, there are more than 100 million Americans using iPhones. That means that iPhone users account for roughly 45% of all smartphone users in the country today.

Investing in Apple products like the iPhone has turned into a no-brainer for most people. They wait patiently for the next Apple product to drop and are more than happy to fork over hundreds and, in some cases, even thousands of dollars for it.

If you’re not on board with the Apple craze yet for one reason or another, you should
consider changing that. Here are seven key reasons why you should start buying more Apple products.

1. Apple Offers Tons of Great Products

The iPhone is probably the first product that most people think of these days when they think of Apple. But Apple makes so many other products outside of just the iPhone.

Are you looking for a new laptop? The MacBook might be a good fit for you.

Would you like to pick up a new pair of headphones? You’ll love what AirPods have to offer.

Do you want to start strapping a smartwatch to your wrist every morning? You can’t go wrong with the Apple Watch.

At this point, Apple makes dozens of different products that people want. So once you begin investing in Apple, you won’t want to stop.

2. Their Products Are Almost Always Easy to Use

If you were to stick almost any smartphone into the hands of a 13-year-old, they would have no problem figuring it out within a few minutes. But not everyone is so quick to pick up on how today’s newfangled gadgets work.

Fortunately, Apple makes it easy to use their products. Whether you’re trying to connect your AirPods to your iPhone or attempting to sync contacts from iPhone to Mac, it won’t be too hard for you to figure out how to do it.

Apple strives to make its products as simple as possible to use.

3. They Do a Great Job Building Up Excitement Around New Products

When Apple decides that they’re going to release a new iPhone, a new MacBook, or a new

service like Apple TV Plus, they don’t just put out a press release about it. They stage an event

to build up the excitement surrounding their latest release.

Those who love Apple products enjoy watching these events and allowing themselves to get caught up in the hype. You’ll start to look forward to the events once you begin investing in Apple products.

4. They’ve Established Themselves as a Brand You Can Trust

Apple has been around for more than 40 years now. Over the last four-plus decades,
they’ve built up a certain level of trust with their customers.

As a result, they’re now one of the most trusted tech companies in the entire world. They’re even more trusted than companies like Google.

You’ll appreciate being able to put your trust in Apple when you invest in their products. That trust will go a long way towards making you a believer.

5. They Continue to Push the Boundaries With Their Latest Products

There are many people who have argued that Apple isn’t as innovative as it used to be.

To some degree, they’re right. You could argue that none of the products Apple has
released over the last 12 years have been as innovative as the original iPhone.

But don’t let that distract you from the fact that Apple is still trying to innovate and push the envelope at every turn. They’re just releasing so many new products and services nowadays that it’s a little bit hard to keep up with their latest innovations.

6. They’ve Lowered Some of Their Prices

When Apple first introduced the iPhone X in 2017, people were shocked to see that it was going to cost $1,000. It didn’t take long for $1,000 iPhones to become the “new normal.”

But it doesn’t appear as though $1,000 iPhones are going become normal just yet. By 2019, the starting price for the iPhone 11 was back down to $700.

Apple has also taken a similar approach with other products. They’ve either lowered the prices on products like iPads or found a way to offer lower-end models at more affordable prices.

This has made it easier for the average person to be able to afford Apple products. You can see for yourself by investing in the different things Apple sells.

The best part is that your Apple products will also maintain their resale value, and you can find out how much your used MAC is worth and sell it when you need a little extra cash.

7. They’re Not Going Anywhere Anytime Soon

One of the things that people sometimes worry about is investing in a company too much and then being stuck with a bunch of useless products one day when that company goes kaput.

We feel confident in saying that this is not going to happen to Apple users
anytime soon. The future looks as bright as it’s ever been for Apple, and the company should continue to grow for many years to come.

That should make you feel better about investing in Apple and all they have to offer to the world.

Investing in Apple Is Smart for So Many Different Reasons

It’s rare to walk into someone’s home and not see at least one Apple product these days. Studies have shown that the average American household has at least two Apple products in it.

If you’re one of the rare exceptions, you should reconsider your stance on Apple and give the company a try. Investing in Apple products could change the way that you live your life in lots of ways.

Regardless of whether you buy an iPhone, an iPad, a MacBook, AirPods, or one of the other Apple products, it won’t take you long to fall in love with it. It also won’t take you long to order more Apple products once you see how much fun it was to use the first one.


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