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I Move on to Rabat, and Eat Well

I Move on to Rabat, and Eat WellRabat, MoroccoSeptember 10, 2007 My Frenchy food problem has been solved in Rabat As I have previously written, I had a real difficult time finding good, cheap Moroccan food in Casablanca. But this problem faded away after stepping off of the train in Rabat, where there are cheap [...]

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I Move on to Rabat, and Eat Well
Rabat, Morocco
September 10, 2007

My Frenchy food problem has been solved in Rabat As I have previously written, I had a real difficult time finding good, cheap Moroccan food in Casablanca. But this problem faded away after stepping off of the train in Rabat, where there are cheap restaurants everywhere. I think that I found “my eating place” in Rabat- Restaurant De La Liberation. Which is a couscous house on the main drag of the old medina. I got a quarter chicken with big chunks of squash and other vegetables with a large portion of couscous. It was just what I have been looking for. It was Moroccan.

But breakfast is still a problem. I like to eat a large breakfast, but no local restaurants seem to serve food before noon. I do not really like eating dainty little buns and sweets in the morning. I want a huge plate of eggs! I can get eggs here- which, with chicken, is the food of the traveller, as you can find it in nearly every corner of the world- but I just have to wait until afternoon. I suppose I will just do what everybody else here seems to do, and sit around for a while drinking tea and nibbling on little sweet breads. If I wished to live on my own cultural terms I would have to stay in my own country- or pay a lot of money. To move with the grain, the path of the traveller.


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Filed under: Africa, Cities and Urban Development, Culture and Society, Food, Morocco, Travel Problems

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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