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How to Avoid Asbestos Exposure in Everyday Life

Tips to stay safe from asbestos.


While asbestos is no longer used in new constructions in the United States and several other countries, and it’s illegal for certain new materials to be made with asbestos, there are still buildings and materials in the world that contain asbestos.

Unfortunately, exposure can cause serious health issues, like a rare cancer called mesothelioma. Most victims of this disease were exposed decades ago, but asbestos exposure is still a possibility, especially in older buildings and certain professions. 

Knowing how to avoid asbestos is crucial – here are some tips: 

  1. Know where asbestos is likely to exist

 If you’re trying to learn how to identify asbestos visually, you won’t get very far. Asbestos fibers are typically white, brown, or blue, but you can’t see the colors with the naked eye, and you can’t look at something and know it’s made with asbestos. At best, all you can do is learn to identify specific building material brands known to contain asbestos. However, that takes years of experience in construction. 

For example, construction workers can probably pick out asbestos-based materials, like cement, paper, insulation, textiles, gaskets, vinyl, resin, and various coatings. However, to the untrained eye, it will go undetected.

Your best bet is to know where asbestos is most likely to exist and avoid those locations. For example, if you know older building insulation is likely to contain asbestos, don’t rip open the walls and start disturbing the insulation. If you need to perform repairs, either get the proper PPE or call a professional. Likewise, don’t pick at popcorn ceilings or try to replace them yourself.

If you’re spending time in an older building that you believe might have asbestos, it’s probably okay as long as there’s no disturbance. However, if there’s construction going on within the building, you may want to avoid going back until it’s complete.

  1. If you come across asbestos, leave it alone

If you happen to encounter a material you know contains asbestos, leave it alone and call a professional. Disturbing asbestos will release the fibers into the air, which is how they end up in people’s lungs. Shockingly, asbestos fibers launched into the air can stay there for several days.

Asbestos could be found in the middle of a home renovation, or something you stumble upon at work. Regardless, if you know what it is, don’t mess with it.

  1. Hire a pro to remove asbestos from your home

The best way to avoid asbestos exposure is to hire a pro anytime you need it removed. Whether it’s your home or a place of business, never do asbestos removal yourself. A professional will know exactly how to get it done safely and clean up so there are no fibers left floating in the air for you to breathe in when they’re done.

  1. Don’t do your own home remodels

 If you’re an avid DIYer, this probably won’t be an option, but leaving your home remodels to professionals will eliminate the chance of being exposed to asbestos. Professional, licensed contractors are trained to perform renovations safely, and won’t leave a mess for you to clean up.

  1. Choose a profession that doesn’t involve exposure

 Some professions put you at risk of being exposed to asbestos more than others. For example, being in the military can expose you to asbestos from being housed in older barracks. Auto mechanics regularly work with older brake components that have been made from asbestos because of their heat-resistant properties, and construction workers encounter materials made with asbestos on a regular basis. Roofers and contractors who specialize in home siding are also likely to be exposed.

If you’re worried about exposure, choose a profession that won’t put you in harm’s way. If you’ve already started a career, you may want to reconsider. No matter how good the pay is, it’s not worth your health.

  1. Wear PPE anytime you aren’t sure there’s asbestos

 If there’s a possibility you’ll be exposed to asbestos, wear personal protective equipment (PPE). At the very least, you need a respirator to avoid inhaling the sharp fibers. If you’re tearing up a vinyl floor or re-insulating an older building, the task may seem simple, but protection is a must.

Avoid asbestos by hiring a pro

 It’s not hard to protect yourself against asbestos when you know where to expect it and how to proceed if you suspect you’ve found some. At the end of the day, your health is not worth risking by tackling projects that can expose you to this dangerous substance. When in doubt, hire a professional.


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