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Gear List for Bicycle Travel in Iceland

Gear for Bicycling in Iceland This is a list of my gear for this bicycle journey around Iceland. 1- Pink mountain bike with gear rack, tub, and two panniers. 2- Spare tubes 1- Extra wheel with good tire and tube 1- Adjustable wrench 1- Multitool 2- One meter long bungee cords 1- Long spool of [...]

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Gear for Bicycling in Iceland

This is a list of my gear for this bicycle journey around Iceland.

1- Pink mountain bike with gear rack, tub, and two panniers.
2- Spare tubes
1- Extra wheel with good tire and tube

1- Adjustable wrench
1- Multitool
2- One meter long bungee cords
1- Long spool of strong synthetic clothes line
1- Tarp
2- Tents, one Hennessy Hammock and another conventional ground tent (which needed to be purchased because Iceland is a country with many barren landscapes and few places to hang hammocks).
2- Days worth of food.
6- Liters of water.
1- Water filter.
1- Small camping pot for cooking.
1- Camping plate
2- Spoons
1- Fork
1- Rather large plastic knife
1- Tuna can stove
1.5- Bottles of denatured alcohol for cooking
1- Lowe Alpine TT Tour backpack
1- Northface waterproof messenger bag
3- Float bags of various sizes
1- Pair of Nike Goretex hiking boots
1- Waterproof (I hope) jacket
1- Rain poncho

Gear for bicycle travel in Iceland

I brought some of this gear to Iceland with me, the rest I acquired by way of scavenging and, in some cases, purchasing — which are stories in and of themselves. The full story can be read in the book Bike Tramping in Iceland that is being written about this journey. These travelogue entries should be thought of as way points showing the rough shape of this venture, while the book will be the complete tale.


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Filed under: Bicycle Travel, Big Overland Journeys, Europe, Iceland, Travel Gear, Western Europe

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 91 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3723 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: New York City

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  • Darren July 8, 2011, 4:44 pm

    I just did some travel by bike and used a folding bike so I could occasionally take it on trains. The one I picked up was still a well built mountain bike with 26″ wheels but it folded in half.

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