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Free Things to do in Bogota

Free activities in Bogota, Colombia While Bogota is Colombia’s administrative and business capital it does not mean that there are not a ton of free things to do all around the city. This is a list of activities that a traveler can do in Bogota without shedding a peso. Museo Botero and Casa de la [...]

Free activities in Bogota, Colombia

While Bogota is Colombia’s administrative and business capital it does not mean that there are not a ton of free things to do all around the city. This is a list of activities that a traveler can do in Bogota without shedding a peso.

Museo Botero and Casa de la Moneda

This is a kind of confusing, but an interesting complex of free museums in central Bogota. The Museo Botero hosts the works of Colombia’s most famous painter, Fernando Botero. It is definitely worth checking out his famously chubby people and animals. The museum also has works by Picasso, Chagall and Matisse among others. The Casa de Moneda is a series of small rooms showing the minting process and the history of the progression of Colombia’s money. Both museums are right next to each other on Calle 11.

There are plenty of free activities in Bogota

Museo Historico Policia

The historical police museum is a one of a kind free museum experience. You are given a free guided tour (in English or Spanish) through the old police station and shown lots of guns and historical police items such as the horse drawn wagon that brought convicts to jail. The highlight, though, is the floor focused on the notorious drug mafia leader, Pablo Escobar, and his assassination by the police in Medellin. They even have a piece of the roof where he was shot with his blood on it and a replica of his body.

Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango

The central library hosts a variety of free programs listed on its outside wall everyday. It also has a nice cafe (not free) with views of Montserrate and the surrounding neighborhoods.

Visit churches

If you are into religious architecture, you will enjoy visiting the huge and ornate local churches. Check out the central Iglesia de San Francisco.

Museo del Oro (free on Sundays only)

One of Bogota’s best museums featuring an astounding amount of gold pieces from around the country in interestingly presented exhibits. Regular price is 4,000 pesos.

There is never any reason to feel hemmed in because of a lack of funds in Bogota, as there are always more than enough free activities around the city. There are plenty of more free things to do in Bogota and this list is always expanding. If you have any suggestions, please submit them through the comment form below.


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Filed under: Colombia, South America

About the Author:

After traveling on her own for three or four years, Chaya met up with Wade Shepard, the editor of VagabondJourney.com. They were married in 2009, and continue to travel the world together with their young daughter. From time to time Chaya blogs about family travel and life on the road. has written 102 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

Chaya Shepard is currently in: Xiamen, China

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  • Tony Logan March 12, 2014, 11:36 am

    The Museo de Oro and Museo Botero are both musts to do while in Bogota, as is doing the trip up to Monserrate for the fantastic view across the city and in all directions..

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