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  • Clothing in Netherlands

    Clothing in Netherlands This is a collection of information about clothing in Netherlands and what clothes a traveler should wear in this country. What types of clothing do people wear in Netherlands? What is appropriate dress here? What is inappropriate? What precautions should a traveler take when deciding what clothing to bring to Netherlands? What [...]

  • Teach English in Netherlands

    Find an English teaching job in Netherlands This is a collection of information on finding work as an English teacher in Netherlands. Employers- Submit descriptions of your job offerings and contact information below. Teachers- Post your employment resumes or CVs below. Include a brief cover letter saying how long you want to work in Netherlands, [...]

  • Travel in Europe After Overstayed Schengen Visa

    Can I travel to Italy from the Netherlands after overstaying the Schengen Visa? Updated answer to question Hello Jatinder, I just received an email today from a guy who overstayed his Schengen visa by 15 days and was deported to his country of origin and fined 160 Euro as he tried to travel from Germany [...]

  • How to Plan for Overstaying Schengen Visa

    How to plan for overstaying Schengen Visa? Hello Rochelle, To play everything by the rules, you and your daughter are in sticky territory. What your daughter wants to do — stay in Europe for a few weeks over her visa after her study abroad program ends — is a completely normal intention, and many, many, [...]