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  • ‘Be Flexible And Prepared To Get Stuck’ Nomadic Backpacker Traveling In The Balkans During The Pandemic Belgrade protests

    Travelling during the coronavirus pandemic is a bureaucratic minefield.

  • Food in Bosnia

    Given Bosnia’s location and history, its cuisine has been influenced by both Eastern and Western tastes — notably Turkish, Central European, and Meditaranean. Meals mostly contain meat and bread with little else.

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Culture

    Three different ethnic groups live in Bosnia, The Bosniaks, who are mainly Muslim, The Croats, who are mainly Catholic and the Serbs who are mostly Christian Orthodox. Since the end of the war, group shave been trying hard to move on with their lives.

  • Europe’s Schengen Zone Continues to Expand

    Trouble for travelers, Europe’s Schengen zone continues to expand A new affront has met the long term traveler’s horizon: multi country immigration zones. The Schengen of Europe is by far the worst, as 25 countries in the continent now only allow a visitor 90 days to visit all of the member states. But this number [...]

  • What to do About Morning Sickness in Sarajevo

    Traveling and Morning Sickness in Sarajevo — From Serbia, Wade, myself, and the little fetus growing in my belly boarded a bus for Sarajevo. We left Belgrade at 10:30 at night, figuring we’d arrive in Sarajevo around 6 am. Traveling at night is one of our common strategies for saving money, since we don’t  have [...]

  • Bosnia Herzegovina Travel Photos

    Travel Photos from Mostar, Bosnia/ Herzegovina30 more travel photographs have been published on Vagabondjourney.com thanks to Chaya. The following links are to photos from Mostar in Herzegovina.—————————-Wade from Vagabond Journey.com in Istanbul, Turkey- March 12, 2009 Click on the links to go to the photo pages Tourist Attractions Bosnia Mostar Herzegovina Bosnia War Bombs Mostar [...]

  • Eastern European Hotels Charge Euro not Local Currency

    European Hotels Charge in Euros not Local CurrencyFiled under Travel Scams and Rip-offsTo safe guard against the very prevalent possibility of drastic changes in local currencies, many European hotels outside of the EU charge their prices in the far more stable Euro. This is not good for travelers who hold their money in stable currencies [...]

  • Interview with a Tasmanian Traveler

    But that’s what we do, that’s what traveling is all about, you have to spend money to have the experiences sometimes.  This is an interview with a Tasmanian traveler by the name of Sofie, who is currently on a journey through Balkans and Eastern Europe before she is scheduled to take a job at the Hague in [...]

  • Bosnia War Destruction

    Herein are some photos of the still existent wreckage from the war in Bosnia in the 1990s. These photos were taken in Mostar, which saw heavy fighting between Serbian, Bosniak, and Croatian forces. Much of the shelling and gun fire seems to have happened in residential areas where people were living, and the evidence of [...]

  • Mostar Bosnia Old Town

    Here are few photographs of the old town of Mostar in Southern Bosnia. During the Bosnian war, this was the city that the Serbs wanted to be the border of their country. Mostar receive heavy fighting during this conflict with Serbia and later with Croatia. Bosnia is one of the most beautiful countries that I [...]