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Medical Care in Norway

Find Doctors and Health Care in Norway The standard of medical care is very high in Norway, and finding a doctor who speaks English should be no problem. Medical treatment, however can be expensive for a foreign visitor. Travelers in Norway who have a medical emergency or need urgent care should go the nearest Legevakt [...]

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Find Doctors and Health Care in Norway

The standard of medical care is very high in Norway, and finding a doctor who speaks English should be no problem. Medical treatment, however can be expensive for a foreign visitor.

Travelers in Norway who have a medical emergency or need urgent care should go the nearest Legevakt (emergency room/ walk-in clinic that doesn’t accept appointments). If you need an ambulance the phone number 113.

In Oslo, the Legevakt is located at Storgaten 40, 0182 Oslo. The phone number is 22 93 22 93. It is open 24 hours.

The Bergen Legevakt is located at Vestre Stromskaein 19, 5008 Bergen. The telephone numuber is 55 56 87 60. It is open 24 hours.

For regular doctor appointments or non-emergencies there are medical clinics and general practitioners throughout the country. An appointment is expected for these, so call before showing up.

In Oslo, there is the Norsk Legesen Ter (Norweigen Medical Center) Pilestredet Park 7. Phone 22 98 05 00 or Volvat Medisinske Senter Borgenveien 2A 0370 Oslo. Phone number 22 95 75 00.

In Bergen, there is the Volvat Medisinske Senter Bergen located at Laguneveien 9, 5239 Radal. Telepone number 55 11 20 00.

Vagabond Journey does not personally recommend any of the following institutions and is in no way responsible for the professional ability of the following medical institutions. For a more complete list of recommended medical facilities, look at your country’s Norway embassy website.

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Filed under: Europe, Medical Care, Norway

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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