Coffee and this blog have always been inseparably tied.
My Biggest Question About Europe Remains Unanswered
After 16 years of traveling here I still haven’t figured it out.
Coffee Is Really Expensive In New Zealand
There is probably only one thing I can complain about in New Zealand.
One Cup Drip Coffee Maker In Cambodia
A fast, effective, and waste-saving way to make a cup of coffee.
The Twist of History That Made Singaporean Coffee so Good
Coffee in Singapore is really its own thing — and this is good.
The BS About Mold and Mycotoxins In Coffee And Why You Shouldn’t Stop Drinking It
Yes, there are mycotoxins in coffee but this is no reason to be scared away from it.
Homemade Coffee Filter Tip: Use a Sock
“Daddy, no! Don’t put your sock in your coffee!” my three year old daughter wailed when she caught sight of what I was doing. But it was too late, the hot water was being poured into the black tube sock and fresh coffee was pouring out from its toe. “It’s OK honey,” I tried to [...]