Graffiti in Portugal Vila Nova de Milfontes, Portugal November 1, 2007 Wade from One thing that struck me right off about Portugal is the quality of the graffiti. The following are some photographs of grafitti that I took around the Lisbon area of Portugal. For more information and photos of Portuguese graffiti please go [...]
Cities and Urban Development
Renewed Spirits in Meknes
Renewed Spirits in MeknesMeknes, MoroccoSeptember 27,2007Homepage: North Africa Page: View from rooftop.“Travelling and dreaming are part of the same phenomenon. If you don’t allow yourself to dream while travelling, you are missing half of the show.”I wrote these words but a few days ago. I think that I momentarily stopped dreaming here in Meknes. I [...]
Room #16, Maroc Hotel, Meknes, Morocco
Room #16, Maroc Hotel, Meknes, MoroccoMeknes, MoroccoSeptember 20, 2007Homepage: North Africa Page: I find myself alone, comfortable, in a perfectly rectangular green room on the second floor of the Maroc Hotel. It is nice here. There are wooden shutters that cover the windows that I can push open to let the gentle breeze come through. [...]
Meknes vs. Fes
Meknes vs. FesMeknes, MoroccoSeptember 19, 2007Homepage: North Africa Page: I moved on from Fes a happy man. I just simply could not etch out a living in that city. The food was too expensive and dolled out with a bad attitude, the internet was also overpriced, and I could not find suitable accommodation. On one [...]
I Sidestep a Lunatic and Make a Friend
I Sidestep a Lunatic and Make a FriendFes, MoroccoSeptember 16, 2007Homepage: North Africa Page: The Youth Hostel in Fes keeps odd hours during Ramadan. They are closed for most of the day- from 10AM to Noon and then again from 4PM to 8PM and then the doors are closed and locked for the night by [...]
Preparing for Ramadan
Preparing for RamadanFes, MoroccoSeptember 15, 2007Homepage: North Africa page: It was the night before Ramadan and I did not know what to expect. The manager of the couscous restaurant that I had been eating my lunches and dinners at everyday told me that they would not be serving any food for the entire month of [...]
From Casablanca to Rabat
From Casablanca to RabatRabat, MoroccoSeptember 11, 2007I left the Youth Hostel in Casablanca in a rush. I did not want to be in that exhaust choked, grey-washed, no-food city any longer. I threw my things into my bag, ran from the Medina gates, and jumped into a train that was heading north to Rabat. Winding [...]
Friends in Casablanca: The Tunisian Veterinarian
Friends in Casablanca: The Tunisian VeterinarianRabat, MoroccoSeptember 11, 2007Another person that I am delighted to have become acquainted with in Casablanca was the Tunisian Veterinarian. He told me his name but I could not understand it enough to reproduce the sounds, let alone remember them. But names are about as useful as a blender in [...]
Friends in Casablanca- The Brothers
Friends in Casablanca- The BrothersRabat, MoroccoSeptember 10, 2007The Brothers:I met a pair of brothers while staying in Casablanca: one stayed at home and lived his life in Morocco, the other emigrated to the Ukraine fifteen years ago. The Moroccan was around 22 years old, slenderly built, highly refined, well-kept, and spoke in an almost dainty, [...]
I Move on to Rabat, and Eat Well
I Move on to Rabat, and Eat WellRabat, MoroccoSeptember 10, 2007 My Frenchy food problem has been solved in Rabat As I have previously written, I had a real difficult time finding good, cheap Moroccan food in Casablanca. But this problem faded away after stepping off of the train in Rabat, where there are cheap [...]