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Changing China

  • Bicycle Rickshaws Still Pedal the Streets of China, but for How Much Longer?

    TAIZHOU, China- The streets of Taizhou are full of all types of public transportation: buses, taxis, motorcycle taxis . . . But one type stands out in the backdrop of the fashionable shopping malls, mega-supermarkets, and soaring high-rises of modern China as a relic from another era: the bicycle rickshaw. Throughout the streets of this [...]

  • From Hungry Peasant to University Professor | Social Transitions in a Reformed China

    “So China has changed very fast, right?” I encouraged Professor Liu to speak. “Yes, very fast,” he replied. “Is life better now?” The professor torqued his hand quickly back and forth and replied noncommittally, “In some ways, yes, in others I’m not so sure.” We were riding a train that was speeding towards Nanjing, and [...]

  • Changing Chinese Culture and Society

    The geographer, Robert Kates, gave me a copy of Colin Thubron’s book, Shadow of the Silk Road, a month ago while I was in Maine. I was reading it the other day when I came upon this passage: “But Hu Ji is looking at his daughter, says softly: “Our culture is starting to change, it’s [...]