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Cases When You Definitely Need Travel Insurance

The times when your travel insurance comes in the most handy.

Traveler with backpack

Planning is one of the most joyful and at the same time tedious moments of the upcoming trip. This is not an easy task to take everything into account and not to go insane, especially if you are planning a long-term trip. In this case, it never hurts to hedge.

Our life is unpredictable, and travel is always a kind of way out of the comfort zone. Therefore, if you go further than to the neighboring town to visit your grandmother, insurance should be your guarantee of peace and security. Be sure that travel insurance is one of the most worthwhile investments you can make before your trip. So, here is the list of cases when your insurance is the top thing you should take care of.

If You Are Traveling with Children

Children are interested in everything when traveling, and their curiosity sometimes entails not the most pleasant consequences. In addition, children just love to pick up the disease during the holidays. Their favorite ones are colds and intestinal disorders. Medical services abroad is a huge expense that will be covered by health insurance.

If You Are Pregnant

Insurance for women traveling while pregnant is different from the usual insurance of any other traveler because there are some peculiarities that must be taken into account. Therefore, not all insurance companies provide such services. But if you find someone who will be able to insure you, then the pregnancy term should not exceed from 12 to 24 weeks. This is a huge rarity if you get insurance for a slightly longer period of time, and at the last stages of pregnancy, insurers will definitely refuse to draw up policy. After all, this is already a big risk, both for the mother and for her child. So when taking a trip while pregnant, be sure to prepare.

If You Are Traveling to a High Crime Country

People who travel a lot around the world for business and tourist purposes know for sure that not all countries in the world have a low crime rate. There are countries where you should not go at all. They can be called hell on Earth. Every day people are abducted, murdered, raped, sold into sexual slavery in such countries. It is extremely dangerous to go there, and even more dangerous to do it without insurance, although this is unlikely to save you in an emergency.

If You Plan to Have Extreme Fun

When traveling, you are already at risk, and if you intend to devote your trip to wild surfing, conquering Everest, diving, or downhill skiing, take safety especially carefully. In order for you to feel at ease in such a journey, insurance companies take out extreme sports as a separate item of their insurance contracts.

Thus, if you are convinced that adrenaline and a sense of danger are for movie characters, and this is certainly not what you want on vacation, an insurance policy will help you to be calmer while traveling. Whatever happens, be sure: the insurance will take care of everything, and you just have to enjoy the trip.


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Filed under: Travel Guide

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has written 1152 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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  • Trevor April 12, 2019, 6:27 pm

    here in the UK u r not covered in a country when the FCO has issued a health warning. even for theft or major illnesses that could have happened anywhere, like heart attack. that leaves only the safe and boring countries!

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