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Cant Sell Photos of Taj Mahal

How to Sell Travel PhotosTravel Tip #35You cannot sell photos of the Taj Mahal.But you can sell photos of the random objects, the odd scenes, and the special moments of travel. It is the photos of things that nobody else has that are salable.Nobody will pay you for a photo of the Taj Mahal, but [...]

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How to Sell Travel Photos
Travel Tip #35

You cannot sell photos of the Taj Mahal.

But you can sell photos of the random objects, the odd scenes, and the special moments of travel. It is the photos of things that nobody else has that are salable.

Nobody will pay you for a photo of the Taj Mahal, but if you turn your back to the picture taking hoards, you may just find a photo subject that can make you a little money.
Wade from Vagabond Journey.com
in Istanbul, Turkey- March 9, 2009
Travelogue Travel Photos –Travel Guide
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I just sold a photo to FHM Magazine. It is the type of photo that a traveler would definitely be looked at a little askance for taking, but this is the type of travel photography that sells.

Photo sold to FHM magazine

This photo was taken in Antigua, Guatemala in the spring of 2008. While everyone else was taking photos of the clock tower, Andy Hobotraveler.com was giving me a lesson on how to take travel photos that can be sold.

He was correct.

The magazine told me that they liked the spelling, “Ladys.” This little quirk was enough for them to purchase the photo.

Photography travel tip: Take photos of subjects that nobody else does, even if they seem inane. Newspapers and magazines need photo copy that is original.

Photography travel tip: Take large resolution photos, the bigger the better. Travel with an external hard drive if you have to.

Photography travel tip: Take photos of everything. Take thousands of photos of all aspects of your travels.

Photography travel tip: When a publication contacts you wanting to use your photos, send them immediately. Magazines and newspapers work on hectic deadlines, so get your photos in as quickly as possible – no questions asked – if you want to sell them.

I do not really enjoy taking photos while traveling, but I know that doing so can make me a little money. It simply feels awkward to me to pause my forward motion, take out my camera, and snap a photo. It feels awkward to me to photograph people. But I need money to travel, so I must take photos.

Travel is sometimes work, and work is sometimes not fully enjoyable.

Even though I do not love photography, I take photos all day long.

Sometimes, they make me a little money.

As always, take this travel tip and become another photo taking idiot traveler snapping thousands of photos of inane signs that say “Ladys Drink Free,” or keep you camera holstered in an attempt to feel a little more human.

But just remember to Walk Slow,


Filed under Travel Tips, Travel Photography, Travel Work

Travel Photography Discussion Forum
Vagabond Journey Travel Photos
Traveler Photographs.com
Mexican Tattoo Magazine Stole Photos
Photography Lesson in NYC
Under the wing of the Hobotraveler
I meet the Hobotraveler

How to Sell Travel Photos


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Filed under: Eastern Europe, Europe, Turkey

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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