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Rent a car to travel in Cyprus Driving in Cyprus Driving is the most convenient way to explore the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. In the 1950s the island`s railway was dismantled and the road network is now essential for the island`s economy. Traffic drives on the left, as it does in the UK and road [...]

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Rent a car to travel in Cyprus

Driving in Cyprus

Driving is the most convenient way to explore the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. In the 1950s the island`s railway was dismantled and the road network is now essential for the island`s economy.

Traffic drives on the left, as it does in the UK and road conditions are generally good. The distances between towns are short, meaning no part of the island is too far away.

Road traffic signs are in English and Greek, but you should note that place names may be spelt two different ways For example the capital Nicosia can also be Lefkosia and Limassol can also be written as Lemesos.

Cyprus accepts driving licences from EU Member States while non-EU citizens can drive on a valid foreign licence for certain periods.

As you would at home, observe the rules of the road to ensure your safety and the safety of others. In Cyprus the motorway speed limit is 100 km per hour. Unless otherwise indicated, the limit on regional roads is 80 km per hour and in villages and towns it is 50 km per hour. Driving while using a mobile phone is against the law unless you are using hands-free equipment.

It`s compulsory for the driver and passengers to wear a seatbelt and for all children under five to sit in the back of the vehicle in a proper car seat. Children between five and ten can sit in the front passenger seat as long as the car has a child seat belt fitted.

In addition, smoking in any vehicle where there is a passenger under 16-years-old is banned. Drinking and driving laws are strict with the police regularly carrying out random checks.

If you are involved in an accident then call the police straight away on the emergency number 112. Never move your car until they have arrived or you may be considered to be to blame. It is obligatory to have two red warning triangles which you should place further down the road to warn other traffic that there has been an accident.

Be warned that petrol stations are probably not open as many hours in the day as you are used to. Between April 1st and September 30th they are open between 6am and 9pm, Monday to Friday. Between 1st October and March 31st opening times are 6am until 6pm. On Wednesdays they are open between 6am and 2pm in the Lefkosia district and on Tuesdays between 6am and 2pm in the Larnaka, Lemesos, Ammochostos and Pafos districts. Out of these hours, stations in Lefkosia and the beach areas have petrol vending machines. The machines will accept credit cards and bank notes. Check locally when you arrive to ensure you don`t get stuck with an empty tank.

Parking in Cyprus is prohibited on a double yellow line but you are allowed to load and unload on a single yellow line, though parking is forbidden at all times.

There are no charges to park on Saturday afternoons, Public Holidays and Sundays. At other times observe the notices in town centres regarding payment and the operating hours of parking metres.

Drivers are recommended to wear sunglasses because of the brightness of the sun and if possible, in the late afternoon, avoid driving due west because as the sun sets the intense glare can be potentially dangerous.

It`s easy to book car hire in Cyprus online and car hire Cyprus provides a range of vehicles to help you get the most out of your island holiday.


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Filed under: Cyprus

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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