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Bottle Recycling Cages on Israel Beach

Bottle Recycling Cages on Israel Beach Good Idea Sometimes when traveling you come across some action, contraption, or system that you just have to stop and say, “Gee, that is a good idea.” I usually stand next to such thing gawking at it like some sort of moron and then whip out my camera for [...]

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Bottle Recycling Cages on Israel Beach Good Idea

Sometimes when traveling you come across some action, contraption, or system that you just have to stop and say, “Gee, that is a good idea.” I usually stand next to such thing gawking at it like some sort of moron and then whip out my camera for a photo. These “good ideas” are usually not the most photogenic of subjects, and I am prone to getting lop sided looks from everyone in every direction.

All in a day of travelogue publishing . . .

After photographing such good ideas, I publishing them on this travelogue in hopes that someone, somewhere, will duplicate it. I like a world full of good ideas, and am more than willing ot do my part for their proliferation.

The bottle recycling cages on Israeli beaches are a good idea.

Wade from Vagabond Journey.com
in Eilat, Israel- May, 2009
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Bottle recycling cage on Eilat beach in Israel

These cages sit every half kilometer or so down the beaches of the Red Sea in Israel. They are big, obvious, and have the capacity to eat a lot of bottles. It is also very apparent what goes inside of it – plastic bottles – so mixing of materials is inhibited. There are bottle sized round holes on all sides so that the goods can be deposited easily. I assume that some truck comes by a couple times a week and empties it.

The beaches on the Israel jaunt of the Red Sea are clean, there are not many plastic bottles floating in the water. It is easy here to dispose of plastic waste, without having to toss it out to sea for a lack of a better place to chuck it.

From Eilat I can look across the tip of the Red Sea at Aqaba in Jordan. What a pity that good ideas all too often are not able to pass through immigration checkpoints and over borders.

These plastic recycling cages are good ideas because they are big, nearly impossible to overfill under normal circumstances, don’t look too disgusting, and are easy to use. I look at small and overfilled, or big ugly dirty plastic recycling containers all over the world. I think of the “Carry-in, Carry-out” parks in the USA with a big laugh.

The “Carry-in, Carry-out” park, what sort of stale joke is this? To prohibit littering, the parks remove their trash and recycling receptacles???????

I can not imagine how this contradiction of logic came to be:

“Hey, I have a great idea! Lets cut down on litter in our national parks by removing all of the garbage cans!!!!”

I am lost at how this is a good idea, other than it enables the park service to save money by not having to hire people to empty the trash cans.

The Israeli recycling cages do the job — the beaches are clean, the people have been socialized into walking a dozen paces to deposit their bottles into them. These big cages, which momentarily imprison our waste publicly — as if it were some sort of old time Western outlaw — before it is removed from view and something happens to it, are a good idea.

(click, click, photo, photo, write, write, publish, publish, read, read . . . or so I hope, hope)

Bottle Recycling Cages on Israel Beach Good Idea


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Filed under: Culture and Society, Israel, Middle East

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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