As I sit in Logan airport I have one question on my mind: when my flight touches down in Reykjavik, am I going to look for a bicycle or just tramp. The advantages of both options are obvious, but the disadvantages of each method of travel are perhaps equally clear. Iceland weather and climate It is [...]
Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey
How to Travel in Europe Extremely Cheap
Yes, I know this challenge well: how to travel across one of the most expensive regions in the world on what, relatively speaking, constitutes pocket change. It is possible, in fact an ingenuitive traveler can move across Europe just as cheap — or even cheaper — than most anywhere else in the world. When I [...]
Sport Methods for Long Term Travel
Sport Methods for Long Term Travel Bicyclers peddle accross continents, kayaks paddle across seas, trekkers hike into the truly remote, and climbers tread into mountainous no-man’s-lands, and these activities are called sports. I call them methods of travel. Though I must admit that in practice there is a difference between the two, but if this difference was [...]
Cooking Food While Traveling by Bicycle
“What are your food and eating strategies for traveling by bicycle? Do you cook your own food? If so, how?” FOOD!!! Cooking your own food is normally the cheapest way to eat in any situation… travelling or not. When cycling, cooking your own food brings the additional advantage of being able to control the quality [...]
Public Bicycles in Mexico City
Public Bicycles in Mexico City MEXICO CITY, Mexico- Rows of funny looking red bicycles are assembled together on racks spread throughout the downtown parts of Mexico City. I initially thought it interesting that so many people in this city had the same goofy bicycle — maybe they were on sale? — until a friend enlightened [...]
What Makes a Country Good for Bicycle Travel
“In your experience, what are the best countries that you know of for bicycle travel? What factors make a place good for traveling by bicycle?” I have cycled through 20 countries in various parts of the world, and I can report that every one of them so far has been a fantastic experience. I am [...]
Bicycle Touring and Travel in New Zealand Interview
Bicycle travel in New Zealand Interview Brent Hall just completed a 4,700 km, two and a half month, bicycle journey around both the north and south islands of New Zealand. During these travels he contended with various climatic extremes, camped, foraged for food, worked on organic farms, stayed in the homes of locals, and took [...]
Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey
Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey Ever dream of just getting on a bicycle, pushing down one peddle, then the other, feeling the wind catch your hair, and just keep going like this into the farthest horizon? Well, you can. This is how: Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey Luke Sorenson, a seasoned international bicycle traveler, is [...]
How to Carry Gear on a Bicycle
Q: How do you carry all of your gear on a bicycle? How do you keep it all balanced? Where do you put everything? A: Travelling comfortably on a bicycle is all about having your gear low and balanced. With panniers the aim is to pack them so that you have roughly even weight on [...]
How to Travel by Bicycle Safely
Question: What safety measures do you take when traveling on a bicycle? How do you try to stay safe on the road and keep from being ran over by cars and trucks? How do you subvert malicious locals or kids throwing stones? How do you prevent your bicycle from being stolen when you go into [...]