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Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey

Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey Ever dream of just getting on a bicycle, pushing down one peddle, then the other,  feeling the wind catch your hair, and just keep going like this into the farthest horizon? Well, you can. This is how: Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey Luke Sorenson, a seasoned international bicycle traveler, is [...]

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Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey

Ever dream of just getting on a bicycle, pushing down one peddle, then the other,  feeling the wind catch your hair, and just keep going like this into the farthest horizon?

Well, you can. This is how:

Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey

Luke Sorenson, a seasoned international bicycle traveler, is currently fielding questions from prospective bicycle travelers on the whats, hows, and whys of long distance bicycle touring. Luke has traveled through dozens of countries in many regions of the world, on a low budget, and on the back of a bicycle. As he travels, he generally camps in the bush, cooks his own food, and keeps himself as self-sufficient as possible — he even showers by scooping water out of a river with a pannier.

Luke on some strange looking bicycle

I first met Luke on the side of the road in rural Hungary. I was also traveling by bicycle, and he took my by surprise as he pulled out onto the road from some farmer’s field directly in front of me. I saw all the gear he was carrying on his bike, he saw the gear that was stashed on mine, and we knew that our goals were one and the same: to travel across Europe on a bicycle. At the next village we pulled off the road, shook hands, he let me eat from his well provisioned stash of dried fruits, and we then decided to ride a stretch or two paired up.

How I met Bicycle Luke

What followed was one of the most amazing and easiest days of bicycle travel I had ever experienced.

From the start, I realized that Luke was well equipped where I was lacking, that he had strategized well where I just tied a few things onto my bike and hoped for the best. Luke also had good maps — maps which, in fact, lead us to some beautiful bicycle paths through the Hungarian country side that I have ever ridden on. As I rode with Luke, he pointed out all of the trees whose fruits we could eat, and we soon had two bicycle helmets full of food.

It did not take me long to realize that Luke was a master of bicycle travel.

Later on, as I began the correspondents section of VagabondJourney.com, I could think of no one better to write about bicycle travel than Luke. The result of this has become Bicycle Travel on Vagabond Journey.

Read through this site, as it is an ongoing primer on the world of long distance, international bicycle travel. Best of all, Luke is available to answer questions from readers. So if you are a prospective bicycle traveler who doesn’t really know where to start or has some questions as to which way to go, ask Luke.

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Filed under: Bicycle Travel, Transportation, Vagabond Journey Updates

About the Author:

I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.

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VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy

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  • David Jacobs November 18, 2010, 2:33 am

    Exciting stuff!

    Link Reply
    • Wade | Vagabond Journey.com November 18, 2010, 12:07 pm

      Cool, man, you should ask a question haha.

      Link Reply