Bad Mike has hit the low point in the vagabond’s emotional bell curve. How will he get back on top?
Bad Tripping
Bad Tripping: Why you Should Stop Complaining and Learn to Love the Israeli Mob
Israelis have a reputation and tendency of traveling in large packs. So large, in fact, that they sometimes take over entire towns. This is why you should accept reality for what it is, realize that the world of travel has changed, and love the Israeli mob.
Bad Tripping: How to Avoid Homesickness When Traveling (and Stay Away From Warty South Carolina Beauty Queens)
An integral primer from Bad Mike on how to stave off homesickness and embrace aloneness when traveling.
Bad Tripping: Kathoeys
Bad Mike valiantly tries to field one of the unanswerable questions of world travel.
Bad Tripping: Too Fat to Crap, The Low Down on Big People Using Squat Toilets in Asia
Another installment of wayward travel advice for the anxious and burdened. This time, Bad Mike mentors an overweight individual on using a squat toilet.
Bad Tripping: What to do When Your Travel Buddy Stinks
Feel like you’re being followed through the world by a fog of funk? How to get a stinking travel companion to pick up the underused reins of personal hygiene before it destroys you both.
Bad Tripping: How to Bribe a Cop
There will invariably come a time in every traveler’s journey when they will turn around to find themselves corralled by the law. Bad Mike tells you how to escape the clutches of the police while remaining financially intact.