I must confess that I am head over heels for the Powerbag. It makes you feel like a spy. It’s weatherproof and durable. It has a simple, yet commanding, design. Oh…and it also fully charges any USB or Apple device. Could a traveler possibly ask for more? When my Powerbag backpack arrived in the mail [...]
Think Tank Photo Street Walker Harddrive DSLR Camera Backpack
Think Tank Photo brand is synonymous with the pro photographer circuit all around the world. Founded in 2005 the company’s reputation for quality and practicality has grown and grown, and they now have a product range that includes everything you could possibly need to carry audio visual equipment from belt packs and straps to rolling travel bags. [...]
DSLR / Laptop Group Test – Case Logic SLR Camera Back Pack
Case Logic are an American company founded in 1984 in Colorado. They began making audio cassette cases and now make a huge variety of cases and backpacks from iphones and tablets to DSLR’s and video equipment. The Case Logic range is more competitively priced than the other manufacturers we have tested and therefore make a good option [...]
DSLR / Laptop Bag Group Test – Kata Bumble Bee 222
The founders of Kata Bags created their first designs from extensive service in Elite Special Forces and the company has now grown into a quality manufacture who sells their wares in over 100 countries worldwide. Kata has a range that stretch from a belt pack to full blow video camera bags and harnesses. They have [...]
DSLR / Laptop Backpack Group Test
There is one thing that you will find in most travelers bags (other than half a ton of unspent and assorted foreign coins) and that is a digital camera. Whether you use a Louis Vuitton carry on or a vagabond pack we all love to record our travels through pictures. For proof of this simply visit any [...]
Lowe Alpine TT Tour is the Ultimate Travel Backpack
Hands down, the Lowe Alpine TT Tour is the ultimate travel backpack. Why? Because it is made especially for travel as oppose to hiking — like most of the packs travelers use. In my 12+ years of world travel, I’ve tried and tested out plenty of different backpacks, tote bags, and other luggage carrying devices. For around [...]