Just waiting for invitation and acceptance letters from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. Should be here within the next two weeks, maybe; then I can apply for a year long student visa. I will again be studying with the Friends World Program of Long Island University.I attended this school before in Kyoto, Japan and was much [...]
Just waiting for invitation and acceptance letters from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou. Should be here within the next two weeks, maybe; then I can apply for a year long student visa. I will again be studying with the Friends World Program of Long Island University.
I attended this school before in Kyoto, Japan and was much too bullheaded to allow myself to really learn…Although I did learn from this. Needless to say, I had a plethora of problems with the center director who just happened to be a real unhappy combative woman anyway; so it worked out for both of us- we provided a mutual outlet for each others stubbornness. But, problems aside, I did turn out a couple independent studies that I think are decent. They are posted on this blog if you want to take a look.
I really like China, Donaldherbert’s country. But this time I will not be in the hinter regions of the west but, rather, in the opulent and industrialized east; 100km south of Shanghai. Marco Polo called Hangzhou the loveliest city on the planet, so it is a pity that I do not think hta I will be able to say the same. Perhaps Hangzhou shall break my chauvinism against cities? Doubt it, but it has been a real long time since I lived for any reasonable length of time in a big city. Country mouse leaving the sticks and it could be a little fun.
Just not looking forward to that bai-jo shit liquor…it destroys. Invest two days of being hung-over for every night of drinking Chinese alcohol. The beer is no better. In Hong Kong there is a beer called Kingfisher, and on the label the slogan goes, “Kingfisher, The Beer Without formaldehyde.” The selling point which implies…………
Fucking sick. Chemicalated degraded beer in a chemicallated country.
This past week a mine colapesed killing 100 workers and a Chinese National Petroleum Company chemical plant in Harbin exploded severely polluting the Songhua river with Benzene. The mayor of Harbin went on the news and drank water from a residential tap and said that, “It tastes good.” So I guess that means that it is safe. Laugh, try real hard. As I was just writing this I found out that another chemical plant exploded in south western Chongqing Province……This is daily. China is a mess. But everywhere you go you laugh….or try not to.
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
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