FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ask the Vagabond: Long Term Budget Traveler Reveals Secrets of the Trade For more than a decade Wade Shepard has been traveling around the world on a budget of less than $6,000. Do you want to know how? Then ask him. Vagabond Journey Travel Help ( is a website devoted to travel [...]
Ask the Vagabond: Long Term Budget Traveler Reveals Secrets of the Trade
For more than a decade Wade Shepard has been traveling around the world on a budget of less than $6,000.
Do you want to know how?
Then ask him.
Vagabond Journey Travel Help ( is a website devoted to travel questions — and answers. If you are wondering about how make money to travel, what to do if you overstay your visa, how much money it costs per day in X region of the world, how to save money while on the Road, how to outfit an old cheap bicycle to travel cheaply, the protocol for traveling in the Middle East, what to do if you run out of money on the Road, the best way to get from point A to point B, or a myriad of other travel related questions, then ask away.
Wade has already been down the hard road of travel through more than 45 countries on 5 continents, and has experienced much of what the wandering life has to offer.
Wade has already answered nearly 200 travel questions on the site as he continues to travel the world.
Each day of Wade’s travels begin with a yawn and a stumble over to his laptop. “One travel question answered, then breakfast,” is his motto. Wade also says that he really enjoys helping people learn how to travel or otherwise straighten out a befuddled wanderer in turmoil.
Wade’s main occupation on the road is writing on and maintaining his website, and feels that this Travel Help site, “is a great way for me to interact with the readers of Vagabond, and give back a little of all the support that they have given me over the years.”
To ask a travel question from this veteran of the Open Road or to browse the library of questions that he has already answered, then just stumble on to and head over to the Travel Help section ( Feel free to send Wade your yarn, situation, or tale of woe, as he delights in lending a helping hand to his brethren on the Open Road.
About Wade Shepard and
Wade P. Shepard is a traveling journalist who has been working his way around the planet for more than ten years, through 45+ countries on 5 continents. He graduated with a B.A. degree in Ethnographic Journalism and Anthropology from Global College, Long Island University, and has published articles in National Geographic Glimpse, Cafe Abroad InPrint, Abroad View Magazine, and Today’s Zaman (Turkey). To date, he has been interviewed about his travels and writing by Verge Magazine (Canada), 104.1 The Edge (Albuquerque), De Pers Magazine (Neatherlands), and his photos have appeared in FHM Magazine and the Journal of Latin American Geography. For more information, refer to Wade Shepard’s press kit at,
Wade is available to be interviewed by email at or through telephone at (207) 951-0400
Thank you for your interest in Wade Shepard and Vagabond Journey Travel Help.
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About the Author: VBJ
I am the founder and editor of Vagabond Journey. I’ve been traveling the world since 1999, through 93 countries. I am the author of the book, Ghost Cities of China and have written for The Guardian, Forbes, Bloomberg, The Diplomat, the South China Morning Post, and other publications. VBJ has written 3728 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
VBJ is currently in: Rome, Italy
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