Going between the islands of Flores and Sumba shows what life aboard an Indonesian Ferry is really like.
In the Jungles of Manggarai, Indonesia: Back to Basics, Back to Wae Rebo
A look at the Manggarai culture of Wae Rebo village, deep in the rainforest of Flores, Indonesia.
LOSING CHICKEN: Boarding an Indonesian Ferry
Just getting onboard an Indonesian ferry for the three day journey to the Moluccas, once known as the Spice Islands, is a traumatic effort. Especially when one is travelling in economy class with chicken.
Missionaries, Jesus, Brad Pitt, and the Fak Fak, Papua Honey Trap
Fak Fak, in Papua, Indonesia is a hotbed of religion and temptation. The author is lured in, will he get out?
Losing It! The Saga Of Losing My Indonesian Departure Card
What happens if you lose your Indonesian departure card? A beating? Detainment? A bribe? Find out here.
An Awful Life On A Remote Tropical Island
When the solitude of a South Sea paradise takes a turn for the awful.
Bali’s Markets: Can The Traditional Be Super Too?
Above and below the cloudy surreptitious dream of Wall Street’s market, the stars are brilliantly lit and the actual market thrives. It’s cool, dark, and tranquil here this Balinese morning. Well before the crack of dawn, the first pick-up truck stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables softly enters the parking lot of Ubud’s traditional market. [...]
Jakarta Pays Scavengers A Good Wage To Clean City, White Collar Workers Cry “No Fair!”
The municipal government of Jakarta recently announced that it’s going mobilize a team of 2,000 scavengers to clean the city’s streets as an answer to a growing garbage problem. What is interesting is that they said they are going to pay each of these new sanitation employees 2 million rupiah per month, which is around [...]
Survival of the Harmonious: Balinese Youth On Their Hinduism
At about 10 a.m. Wayan walks out of her family’s house with sarong neatly wrapped around her thin adolescent waist balancing a woven basket abundantly full of offerings to the gods, perfumed and smoking gracefully. She looks natural, and her movements are as deliberate as anyone who is relaxed with their tasks. On her face [...]
Photo Of The Day: Surfing The Flooded Streets of Jakarta
Every five years or so the streets of Jakarta flood, and the city grinds down until the water dissipates. But rather than letting good waves go to waste, this New Zealander tried surfing through the streets being pulled by a motorcycle.