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  • A Date With Wild Beasts In Nepal’s Chitwan National Park

    Think you can’t get out into the wild and stand face to face with beasts on a tour? Think again.

  • Meeting a Living Goddess

    Dave from thelongestwayhome.com searches for the legend of the living goddesses of Nepal. Called the Kumari, they are young girls that are said to be incarnations of the goddess Durga and manifestations of the divine female energy. After years of extensive research and many failed attempts, Dave finally succeeded in being granted an audience with [...]

  • American Groovy

    American GroovyEarly on in 2005, when I was traveling through Northern India with Stubbs, I unexpectedly found a photograph of myself in a Nepali newspaper in Darjeeling. I can not read Nepali, and, as the article came out when I was leaving the region, I was unable to find out what it said.Read the full [...]

  • Can Anyone Read Nepali

    Can Anyone Read Nepali?So I was traveling in the north east of India with Stubbs back in 2005, and I was just standing around in the market watching some ladies buy oranges when a guy with a big old camera came up to me and asked if he could take my picture. I obliged him [...]