Global perception of the Chinese has changed, and the world of tourism is changing with it.
Too Many Rats In Kinmen Village
My wife was right: I can’t defeat the rats. While the spiders, mosquitoes, and ants that have set up camp in our traditional home in Kinmen are manageable, the rats put everything over the top. They are my wife’s breaking point — the threshold between enduring and getting the fuck out. When I first [...]
Wives Don’t Want To Live With Rats
The tribulations of family travels present the same situation as last summer.
Fan Tuan Man Still Here
The first time I came to Kinmen was in 2012. I walked into Jincheng from the port and the first thing I did was get a roll of fan tuan from a guy selling it in the street next to the bus stop. The guy smiled, asked me some questions, we had a little talk. [...]
Kinmen: Communist China’s Biggest Embarrassment
Though hardly 3 kilometers away from mainland China, Kinmen is a part of Taiwan. The island group was the last stand of the Chinese Nationalists — a position they have yet to relinquish to this day.
Arrival On Kinmen 2017
The family is back to traveling together again. We just arrived on Kinmen, where we should be setting up a base of operations for the next two months.