Even in the most apparently mundane settings you never know what you may find . . . if you keep exploring.

Too lazy to walk after having indulged a little in the nightlife of Palermo Hollywood — a trendy Buenos Aires barrio infested with cafes and bars and home to several radio stations and television studios — I decided to catch the elevator up to my third floor apartment when a rather infantile thought struck me.
Why don’t I go to the top?
In the moment I dragged the scissor pattern of the old white elevator gate shut before pressing the ‘3’ it struck me as somewhat strange that, despite being on a trip in which I constantly explore, question and learn, I had immediately defined the parameters of my new habitat as being from the foyer to the third floor, and had not thought to explore the building I was living in once.
While this is all somewhat trivial, it is just a quick reminder that sometimes it’s even worth exploring the most mundane settings, because sometimes you will be surprised by what you find.
I rode the elevator to the top of my apartment building, found the door to the roof unlocked and discovered my own personal, though somewhat creepy, viewpoint over Palermo Hollywood.

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About the Author: David Fegan
David Fegan is a freelance journalist from Melbourne currently travelling through South America, reporting what he discovers for Vagabond Journey. David Fegan has written 19 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
David Fegan is currently in: Samaipata, Bolivia
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