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  • Tea Time in the Sahara: A Journey into the Depths of Mauritania

    A journey into the desert of Mauritania goes far beyond travel.

  • Mauritania Border Crossing

    This is a page of stories, anecdotes, and information about crossing the border into and out of Mauritania. From Western Sahara From Nigel Beardsley: I purchased a motorcycle in Morocco and am over landing in Africa. I have traveled through Morocco and into the Western Sahara. Exited morocco by crossing a minefield! Formalities on exiting [...]

  • Through Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Senegal, Mali

    Through Morocco, Mauritania, Senegal, MaliRabat, MoroccoSeptember 10, 2007Below is a map of my intended route of travel through deserts, mountains, and whatever Africa is like in Senegal and southern Mauritania. I read that the overland route from Western Sahara to Mauritania is possible, but I cannot find a coastal road on this map. My hope [...]