Travel Managua to San Jose
Question: Travel from Managua,
Nicaragua to San Jose, Costa Rica?
Answer: This sounds like a horrible
Answer: This sounds like a horrible vacation.
Hello Hector,
Sorry to say this, but your travel plans sound horrible. I can only hope
that you are going to Managua and San Jose for business rather than a
vacation. Hopefully you can find the charm in these cities that alluded me.
To answer your questions:
It is very easy to get from Managua to San Jose by bus. You can take
either the Tica Bus or the Nica Bus or a local to the border and then
picking up another local on the other side.
There are plenty of cheap and decent places to stay around the Tica Bus
station in Managua. But I would not say that it is overwhelmingly "safe." In
fact, I do not know of anyplace in Managua that can be considered secure. I
stayed in Managua three times and the worst thing that happened to me was
getting into an argument with a scrapper taxi driver and attacked by the
police for walking through a neighborhood. I have had plenty of friends that
had bigger problems than me. I see no reason to go there unless you really
want to for some odd reason. I suppose it is an experience.
San Jose is a hell hole, though one that I kind of like. I cannot
recommend staying anywhere.
The border crossing is very smooth though. Tranquilo.
I hope this helps a little.
Thanks for reading!
Walk Slow,
Related Pages:
Bus from Costa Rica to Nicaragua
Border Crossing with Panama
Tica Bus
Nica Bus
(If any of this information helps you - or if you just appreciate me
trying - please tell a friend about Thanks!)
Question: Travel from Managua, Nicaragua
to San Jose, Costa Rica
Hello Wade! I saw your informative posts about
traveling throughout Central America and was hoping you could provide
some information.
I'm planning on flying from the U.S. to Managua, spending a day or two
there and then taking a bus to San Jose, CR. I've never been to either
country, but speak perfect Spanish.
Have you found that the border crossing between the two countries is a
smooth process? I will have my U.S. passport, I understand visas are not
needed for either country.
Can you recommend lodging near the bus stations in both cities that's
safe and economical or is this a pipe dream?
Thanks for your input.
Travel Managua to San Jose