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Safe and clean tattoo studio in Hangzhou, China:
Hello Kat,
It is very difficult for me to recommend a safe and clean tattoo parlor in Hangzhou. I have been tattooed in the city three times by two different artists in two different studios, and on only one occasion can I say that the tattoo seemed to have been done with the the proper sterilization procedures. It pulls at my heart to say this, as I have friends who tattoo in Hangzhou, but due to sterilization oversights I can not direct you to a tattoo studio in Hangzhou. Go to Tattoos in Hangzhou China for more about my experiences with non-malicious unclean tattoos in the city. I would highly recommend taking the short trip up to Shanghai and visiting John Long at:
John Long Tattoo. Address: 264(A) Maoming North Rd, North, Jing'an District Phone: 62717685, 13601761424 Hours: Daily 10am-10pm
I have never myself been tattooed by John Long, but he has a very upstanding international reputation that I assume that he lives up to. I have also looked at tattoos that he created, and they are very good.
This is the best advice that I can give you, as I know first hand that many of the tattoo studios in Hangzhou do not abide by the standards of cleanliness that people hold in the West. But if you still want to be tattooed in Hangzhou, do not let me discourage you from checking it out yourself. Maybe things have changed since I was there last (2006)??? Just pick up a copy of Intouch or More magazine (English language) which are available for free at any expat hangout in Hangzhou, and in the directory listings in the back there are sections for "tattoos studios." If you would like me to share my experience of what to look for in a tattoo studio, please ask.
Please do not let me discourage you from being tattooed in China, as it is a really fun experience! If you have any other questions I would love it if you asked them.
Thanks for writing and let me know how you make out!
By any chance are you going to school at Zhejiang University?
Walk Slow,
P.S. If this information helps you out at all (or if you just appreciate my effort in trying haha) I would love it if you could tell or email a friend or two about Vagabond Journey.com and/ or the Song of the Open Road Travel Blog. Thank you!
Question about a safe and clean tattoo studio in Hangzhou, China:
Sorry to bother you, but I was surfing the web to find a good tattoo parlor in
Hangzhou, China, and I came upon your site. Would it be possible for you to give
me any info on a safe/clean place to get a tattoo? It would be my first, so I'm
a bit nervous and I want to do it right, so I could really use your advice! You
seem like a pro to me.
Thanks a bunch!
Kat Knitel
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