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7 Travel Tips for Landlords

How to travel the world while making money from rental properties.

Passport boarding pass

Owning rental property isn’t a hands-off job, so if you’re a landlord who travels, you need a plan to ensure your tenants and properties are taken care of in your absence. It’s not easy to manage a property while you’re far away because not everything can be resolved through a conversation. 

Whether you need to travel for business, or you just need to take a vacation, here are some tips for managing your properties while you’re gone.

  1. Hire a property manager

 Regardless of whether you own residential or commercial property, having a property manager will help you excel. Not only will a property manager reduce your workload, but you’ll benefit from their expertise in tenant communication, legal knowledge, and resources.

While you’re away, if a tenant has an emergency, your property manager will handle it for you and ensure all proper steps are taken afterward. For example, if there’s a flood in the building, your property manager will start the cleanup cycle immediately to avoid mold and mildew.

Having a property manager means you won’t need to be on call 24/7 while you’re on vacation. They’ll field all tenant phone calls, manage repair requests, and keep your investment business going the entire time you’re away. 

In fact, they’ll continue to manage your tenants and properties even when you get back if that’s what you choose. Most real estate investors do choose to work with a property manager because it’s the most practical solution to a hefty workload.

  1. Communicate with your tenants

 If you’re typically the first point of contact for your tenants, and you’re assigning someone else to handle your business while you’re away, make sure to communicate the details to your tenants. Send all of your tenants an official notice with the contact details for the person in charge, and let them know to call them first for everything they might need. 

  1. Implement online rent connection

 Collecting rent can be challenging from a distance if you’re used to getting physical checks, money orders, or cash. To make it easy, implement an online rent collection service so your tenants can pay you directly. If they don’t want to pay online, have them mail the rent check to your designated property manager so they can deposit the money into your account.

If a tenant resists, try offering a small discount to incentivize using your online rent payment system. Most tenants will find it easier and more convenient once they get past the change in routine. 

  1. Provide tenants with emergency contacts

While you’re away, if your tenants have an emergency situation, they can call your property manager, but you might also want to have them call a service provider directly. For example, if a pipe bursts or there’s a leak in the roof in the rainy season, you may want to give them permission to call a service professional right away. In that case, provide your tenants with the names and numbers of approved service companies they can call.

  1. Keep your attorney on speed dial

There’s a chance that a legal situation may arise while you’re away, and you’ll need to make some decisions. If you’ve hired a professional property management company, you’ll be in good hands because they’ll have the legal expertise to make correct decisions. However, if you’re leaving your properties with a friend or someone with limited experience, you’ll need to know the law.

  1. Schedule check-ins with your property manager

Plan on a day and time when you can check in with your property manager every week or so. Depending on how long you’ll be gone, you might only need to check in once, or through a text message. However, plan a real phone call or video call just in case there are important things to discuss.

  1. Ask tenants for feedback when you return

When you get back from your trip, ask your tenants for feedback on how things went with the person you put in charge. Ask how courteous they were, how fast they responded to requests, and if they feel like the person took care of them. Tenant satisfaction is important, so you need to know if you can rely on the person you hired to do the same job next time around.

Put your mind at ease while you travel

The idea of leaving your properties and tenants while you travel can seem stressful, but with a little planning, it can be smooth sailing. With a trustworthy property manager to take care of your tenants, and the right preparations, you’ll be able to enjoy your trip without worry.


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