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3 Major Digital Nomad Difficulties (& How To Deal With Them)

How to overcome the challenges of being a digital nomad.

Digital Nomad

The life of a digital nomad is not only cocktails around the pool. Indeed, many challenges come with this lifestyle. Read on to find out some of the biggest ones, and how to solve them. 


The bane of many-a-nomad, making sure that you meet your deadlines is vital to retain your job or your clients. The good news is there are some things you can do to help ensure you turn your work in on time, every time. 

The first of these is to learn to adequately assess how long a project will take. To help you do this you may want to use a tool like Monday.com which can help you break a project down into smaller more manageable tasks. 

If you work for yourself, making sure you allow for time redundancy when quoting clients’ lead times will help too. Then if you do come across any problems, or you get that once-in-a-lifetime chance to trek up a local mountain for a week you can take it without any problems. 

Of course, sometimes no matter how well we plan and account for deadlines they creep up on us. Fortunately, if you do find yourself in the position where your project is due tomorrow at 9 am sharp, there is something that can help. That something is products like these Delta 8 THC Vape Carts which fit quickly and easily into your vape pen. They will provide a range of benefits less potent than vaping regular THC including calm, happy, clear-minded, and motivated feeling that will help you focus and complete your project on time in the most effective way. 


VPNs or virtual private networks are used by many in the digital nomad community, to hide their location, and make it look as if they are working from their home country. Something that may be necessary if you are working for a company or organization while traveling. 

However, it is worth noting that often employers can detect that you are using a VPN, and ask you to stop, and therefore reveal your true position. To avoid this it is better to switch to a VPS, and set the location of this to your home address in your home country.  

The ‘Should I be working now?’ issue

Last of all, a major difficulty for anyone that is operating as a digital nomad is the question of work-life balance. Of course, most of us get into this field as a way to have more life than work. However, the flexibility of being a digital nomad can sometimes go the other way as well. 

After all, if your flat, rental, hotel room, or spot by the pool is your office, how do you properly switch it off? 

Well, the answer will be different for each person, but finding a routine that works for you and sticking to it can be very useful. For example, you may want to wake up and explore the surrounding area in the morning, work in the afternoon, and then have the evenings for rest and socializing. 

If you are struggling you may want to invest in a spot in a hot desking facility as this can help you get back into the ‘work ends when I leave the building,’ mentality. 


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