Why you should just pack your bags and get out on the road.
It can seem unfathomable to many of us, how and why people just like us quit their day jobs and say goodbye to their regular lives to go travelling the world. The truth is there’s no one specific reason why people head off travelling, it’s different for everyone. But if you’ve ever thought of dipping your toes into the crystal clear waters of a secret bay in Thailand, seeing the wonders of the world, discovering incredible cuisine but have never given it much more thought than that; read on for 3 reasons why you should go travelling.
Remember, if you’re thinking of travelling in Europe consider investing in Schengen Visa Travel so you’re fully covered for any eventuality.
Challenges and getting out of “the rut”
Many of us feel that our daily lives our mundane and so conformed to a routine it can be difficult to imagine ourselves ever doing anything else – which can be a sad, sobering thought. This is usually the most common reason people head off travelling.
If you’re feeling that you need new challenges, that you want to be thrown in at the deep end and test yourself in an unfamiliar situation then travelling could be the answer. Travelling will push you out of your comfort zone and help you to discover your true limits – which believe it or not, are a lot further than someone not replacing the printer paper at work.
You’ll discover how resourceful you are, maybe whilst you’re navigating and trying to find your way around a big city where no one speaks English. Ordering a meal or even paragliding.
Learning and educating yourself
Another strong reason why people head off travelling, sometimes you can only learn so much from books and the internet. You need to head off and learn “in the field”. Whether that’s about a whole other culture, a new language, a particular city or country, or even about yourself.
Travelling is like a crash course in discovering the rest of the world lives and works. As well as it’s history, it’s geography and culture. Every destination has its own lessons to teach you, and whether you’re heading off to learn something specific like a new language or learn how to become more spiritually enlightened – experiencing things first hand means that these lessons will stay with you.
Just think how you can apply everything you’ve learnt into real life? And what a great sense of satisfaction you’ll have.
Discovering yourself
Yes. Perhaps the ultimate cliché. But many travellers will tell you that exploring different cultures and getting away from their everyday life allowed them to get back in touch with themselves. Travelling is a great way to rediscover yourself and reflect on your life. You can take stock and really find out what makes you tick. How you react in certain situations and how you cope with it all. The insight you get into yourself via travelling is priceless. In short, it will change your life.
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About the Author: Other Voices
Other Voices has written 1171 posts on Vagabond Journey. Contact the author.
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