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Wade is currently in the United

Wade and Chaya are in Maine, USA. Read recent travelogue entries!

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Wade from has been continuously traveling around the world for more than 9 years through ov for more than 9 years through over 45 countries on 5 continents. He is open to answer all questions -  email Walk Slow.



Travel Scams and Rip Offs

This is a collection of travel scams and rip-offs that travelers and tourist fall prey to around the world. Contribute information or submit link below.

Istanbul Shoeshine Scam Annoying- A traveler in Istanbul can expect a half dozen shoeshine brushes dropped at their feet in an attempt to scam them. Don't fall for it.

Shoeshine Scam in Istanbul, Turkey

The world is both full of good people and hustlers. This shoeshine man was trying to scam me. Dropping a shoeshine brush in front of a tourist in hopes that they return it is a common lock-in prop in Istanbul. Generally the scam works by making the tourist think they are getting a free shoeshine, and then charging them an outrageous price.

European Hotels Charging Euro Not Local Currency- A note that many hotels and hostels in Europe - and elsewhere - are charging prices in Euros and Dollars rather than in local currency.

How to Deal with Hotel Runners- A few suggestions on how to mine hotel runners for information while staying out of their pockets and maintaining your self autonomy.

Buckle Backpack for Security- This is a simple travel tip that can probably prevent a good percentage of bag theft.

It is as simple as this: buckle your backpack to a solid object. 

Nearly all travel backpacks have straps, and they can be used for more than just strapping yourself in. They can be used to more fully secure you bag when traveling.

Simply put, when sitting in airport terminals, on buses, trains, bus stations, on park benches . . . just buckle your bag up to a chair or another solid object. This will greatly inhibit someone from running off with the bulk of your travel gear.

Be aware of the information that you enter into public computers- Travel Tip #18
- Advice from Vagabond Journey Travel Tips about how public computers in internet cafes can remember passwords and credit card information. Also a tip on how to choose ATM machines when traveling.

Beware of Friendly "Gypsies " in India - Friendly people wanting to be your "international friend" often want something more than friendship.

Flight Delays After Boarding- Ever wonder why your flight is delayed after you board it? This travelogue entry explains why.

Ryanair not lenient with carry on/ cabin baggage allowance- Be careful when flying Ryanair, they will try to scrap every penny out of your pocket they can.

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