Multicultural School Children in South Africa
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Multicultural School Children South Africa Photos
Multicultural School Children South Africa Pictures
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South African girl works on an art project at a private kindegarten in Durban.
South African Indian shows off her art project using recycled materials at a preschool.
Children at a private school in Durban playing with recycled materials. Two African teachers visiting from their sister school in a nearby township.
South African teacher from Umlazi, a nearby township, visits a private school in Durban.
African teacher from Umlazi with a South African Indian preschooler in Durban.
South African children playing with recycled materials in a water table at a school in Durban.
White South African girl doing a recycled arts project.
South African Zulu on the rocky beach of Amanzimtoti, on the South Coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Alligators in a park in the South Coast of Kwa-Zulu Natal.
Flamingoes in a park in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa.
Multicultural School Children South Africa Photos
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