Lahmacun and Meerschaum Pipes Eskisehir, Turkey
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Lahmacun and Meerschaum Pipes Eskisehir, Turkey Photos
Lahmacun and Meerschaum Pipes Eskisehir, Turkey Pictures
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Lahmacun, delicious Turkish meat pizza
Abidin,our Couchsurfing host in Eskeshir, with one of his friends preparing a dinner party.
Wade and Chaya with our new Turkish friend in Eskeshir, Turkey
Lahmacun is a mix of spices, meat, onion, garlic and peppers.
Lahmacun is typically eaten with lemon and ayran, a sour yogurt drink
An example of a dragon style of meerschaum pipe.
Pipe carver demonstrates how he uses the drill to bore a hole in the pipe.
Pot of wax used to coat and protect the pipe.
Rows of plastic pipe stems.
Pipe stems ready to be attached to the carved meerschaum bowls.
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