The following photographs were taken in 2006 on my travels through China of
that year. They are of bars in Hangzhou, Longjing Dragon Well tea fields,
Chinese women, Wade playing with Chinese tea, and people in the streets of
Longjing tea fields near Hangzhou, China.
Two Chinese women looking alike as they
learn about how to pick tea.
Wade from Vagabond playing
with Longjing Dragon Well Tea.
The Chinese characters for mugwort.
For Ethan.
American born Chinese girl and midget
playing pool in a bar in Hangzhou, China.
Tea in China plays a big role in the country's culture and history. According to Chinese legend, tea was invented by the Emperor Shen Nung
in the third millennium BC. Throughout China's history with tea, it has been used in religious offerings, eaten as a vegetable, and, in the
Han Dynasty, began boiling it in water.
Dancing Chinese midget in a bar in
Hangzhou, China.
American born Chinese girl plotting her
next move in a bar in China.
Wade from Vagabond showing off
his tattoos in China in 2006.
Chinese people picking out head lice in
the streets of Hangzhou.
Chinese family walking down the streets of
Hangzhou, China.