Hotel in San Pedro, Guatemala


Hotel in San Pedro, Guatemala Photos    Hotel in San Pedro, Guatemala Pictures

Vagabond Journey Travel Vagabond Journey Photographs

Church in San Pedro, Guatemala.

Photo of San Pedro, Guatemala. This is what the country looks like in ordinary circumstances.

Man carrying fire wood.

Sign for the Hotel San Francisco in San Pedro, Guatemala. Rooms here are cheap. Expect to pay between 15 to 20 quetzals - two to three dollars - a night. Good rooms with a wonderful view of Lake Atitlan.

Mayan woman sitting outside of the Hotel San Francisco.

The steps leading to the roof top room at the Hotel San Francisco. Notice how they are triangular. I wonder who came up with this design. Lots of hippies stay here.

Lady the Tramp taking it easy at the Hotel San Francisco in San Pedro, Guatemala.

The Mayan mother and daughter who fixed the water cistern above my room so that I could shower. Read more about this story at
The Battle of Ahorita in Guatemala  

Typical arrangement of photographs in family restaurants and homes all through Latin America.

Brooms and plastic goods at the market in San Pedro, Guatemala.

Hotel in San Pedro, Guatemala Photos
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